Create paylink
Authenticate requests using HTTP Basic Auth by adding a bearer token to the header, e.g. Authentication: Bearer {{access_token}}. You can get the {{access_token}} from the create token request.
Get paylink by paylink Id
Authenticate requests using HTTP Basic Auth by adding a bearer token to the header, e.g. Authentication: Bearer **{{access_token}}**. You can get the **{{access_token}}** from the create token request.
Get all paylinks
Authenticate requests using HTTP Basic Auth by adding a bearer token to the header, e.g. Authentication: Bearer {{access_token}}. You can get the {{access_token}} from the create token request.
Paylink notification
Update paylink
Update some specific data (email, mobile number) associated with the paylink until the link is used. If a paylink is not paid then it’s status can be changed to ‘Cancelled’.