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Create intent

Authenticate requests using HTTP Basic Auth by adding a bearer token to the header, e.g. Authentication: Bearer {{access_token}}. You can get the {{access_token}} from the create token request.

Once a payment intent is processed i.e. payment is done using any payment type, it can’t be used again to perform another transaction.Each payment intent can be used for only one payment type.

Please follow the below structure for respective payment form where ccElement or ccMotoElement will be added. Here a custom css file has been added to support different card layout (i.e. single-line and multi-line).

<script src=""></script>

Request Body
  • amount number required

    Transaction amount.

  • transaction_type string required

    Default value is set to SALE. If passed, it can only be one of the following:

    • SALE
    • VERIFY
    • CREDIT
  • payment_type string required

    Can only be one of the following:

    • credit-card
    • direct-debit
    • open-banking
  • currency string required

    Three letter currency code (ISO 4217) e.g USD, GBP.

  • return_url string required

    GET URL on your domain, where Blink will redirect after transaction is processed e.g.

  • notification_url string required

    POST URL on your domain, where Blink will send status updates when the transaction status is changed e.g.

  • card_layout string

    To get different structure of card layout for any transaction , this parameter is passed. This field is optional. If not passed, default value is basic.

    • basic
    • single-line
    • multi-line
  • customer_name string

    Customer name.

  • customer_email string

    Customer email.

  • customer_address string

    Customer address.

  • customer_postcode string

    Customer postcode.


Response Headers

    • id integer
    • payment_intent string
    • transaction_type string
    • expiry_date string
    • amount number
    • currency string
    • payment_type string
    • return_url string
    • notification_url string
    • card_layout string
    • element object
    • ccElement string
    • ccMotoElement string
    • ddElement string
    • obElement string
    • merchant_id integer
    • transaction_unique string